Customized grip for your hand

Transform your rifle or pistol grip into a custom meshpro grip

The difference between good and outstanding performance? The MESHPRO molded grip!

Our grips are offered as standard in the three standard sizes S, M and L for right and left hand shooters. This way we ensure that we can basically offer a suitable grip for every hand. However, in many cases, the standard grips do not perfectly match the shooter’s hand shape and requirements. An individually tailored grip for air rifles and air pistols can make the difference between good and outstanding performance. A custom grip not only provides comfort and control but can also significantly enhance shooting precision and overall performance. This often leads to various modifications to the standard grips, which can negatively impact their appearance. With our precise 3D printing technology, we can elevate your rifle or pistol customization to a new level and create a personalized MESHPRO molded grip based on your modified grip.

How do we produce a custom grip for your hand?

For a MESHPRO molded grip, we require a sample grip from you as a template. This sample grip should already be customized to fit your hand.

Once your grip has arrived at our facility, it will be scanned using our highly precise 3D scanner. Based on these 3D data, we will model your individual MESHPRO grip. Subsequently, we will 3D print your personalized grip and conveniently send both the sample grip and your MESHPRO molded grip to your home.

Don’t have a customized grip that we can use as a sample?

Für einen MESHPRO-Formgriff ist ein angepasster Mustergriff zwingend erforderlich. Falls Sie noch keinen angepassten Griff besitzen, können Sie einfach ihren aktuellen Griff mithilfe herkömmlicher Modellierpaste bearbeiten und so Ihren persönlichen Mustergriff formen. Die Modellierpaste können Sie im Fachhandel erwerben. Kontaktieren Sie uns hierzu gerne über unser Kontaktformular.

Supported manufacturer and models:


  • KK2700
  • KK2800
  • LG700
  • LG800
  • LG900
  • LP8x
  • LP85
  • C25
  • AW93


  • LG300
  • LG400
  • LG500
  • LG500e
  • KK400
  • KK500
  • GSP
  • GSP500
  • C500


  • LG2002
  • LG8002
  • LG9015


  • LG RS100
  • LP PA10


  • LG Challenge
  • LP 10 evo e
  • LP 10 evo


  • Gpr1
  • K12